JPW Marine JPW Marine

JPW Marine JPW Marine

JPW Marine is one of Australia’s largest importers and wholesalers of products for the boating and marine industries.  We sell marine products, accessories and spare parts including:

  • Boat hardware
  • Boat systems
  • Boat safety & navigation
  • Boat trailer parts
  • Electrical
  • Maintenance
  • Marina products

The business was started in the late 1980’s as JPW Pty Ltd by the original owner.  Geoff and Sandra Hunter acquired it in late 1996, re-branding it to JPW Marine.   They have now owned and run JPW Marine for more than 20 years.  Based in Western Australia, our product range is mainly focussed on the recreational power and ski boat market. We also stock some products used in other industries requiring the high levels of quality and durability required for marine-grade products.  We have strong alliances with marine retailers and Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) businesses throughout Australia.  

We are constantly searching for the latest and most advanced products from around the world in order to make them available to the Australian market. We invest heavily in stock to ensure our wide range has excellent availability and fast delivery.  JPW Marine is also a strong supporter of our local and national marine and boating industry. We, as members of the Boating Industry Association of WA (BIAWA), continue to encourage growth and improvement at both the local & national level however we can.  

One key way that we encourage growth is by referring sales directly to retailers via our Find a Store feature.  JPW Marine sells to wholesale customers only, but members of the public can browse our online store and add products to an ‘enquiry cart’ which can then be submitted to one or more of our retail partners.

Our staff have many years of experience in the marine industry and are always happy to help with product or technical questions, sourcing products within Australia or overseas or fulfilling an urgent order quickly.  Please contact us for any help you need. 

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